NHERI Latest News
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2025 NHERI Computational Symposium Wrap Up
posted 02-20-25
This year's NHERI Computational Symposium convened over 240 researchers and industry practitioners at the UCLA campus for three days of sharing and collaboration in all of the NHERI fields of hazards research.
Ellen Rathje Elected to National Academy of Engineers
posted 02-19-25
Ellen Rathje, University of Texas geotechnical engineering professor, researcher, and NHERI DesignSafe principal investigator, has been elected by her peers to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Class of 2025.
Engineering Sustainable Waste Disposal after Extreme Events
posted 01-27-25
Since 2018 the NSF-supported SUMMEER (Sustainable Material Management Extreme Events Reconnaissance) group has investigated waste handling at wildfire disaster zones around the country, and they now lend their efforts to the NHERI community through the NHERI CONVERGE collection of EER networks.
Hurricane Simulations in High Gear
posted 01-23-25
At the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) of University of Texas at Austin, powerful supercomputers like the NSF-funded Vista, Frontera, and Stampede3, along with locally funded Lonestar6, are meeting urgent storm surge research needs with continually updated simulations.
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Inland Flooding
posted 01-21-25
NHERI Grad Student Council President Harman Singh unites geography and climate science in her natural hazards research. Harman answers questions about her studies and career goals in the NHERI Resilience for All interview series.
NHERI RAPID Facility Supports Wildfire Reconnaissance Deployments
posted 01-16-25
As communities face the challenging circumstances of the Los Angeles wildfires, the NSF-funded NHERI RAPID Facility is ready to support researchers conducting post-disaster reconnaissance investigations.
NHERI Team Shines at 2024 AGU Fall Meeting
posted 12-19-24
Hundreds of attendees visited the NHERI booth to discover research possibilities at NSF-funded natural hazards facilities.
NHERI Network at the AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, DC
posted 11-25-24
Faculty and staff from the NSF-funded Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure will be exhibiting at the AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, DC, Dec. 9-12, 2024, at booth #1001 in the exhibit hall.
NHERI at AGU24: Related Talks and Posters
posted 11-25-24
At the 2024 AGU Fall Meeting, a diverse array of researchers will present work made possible by labs, equipment, and data enabled by NSF-funded NHERI facilities. Review this list of NHERI-related presentations and posters.
Improved Predictions of Earthquake Damage
posted 11-15-24
Ground motion intensity measures for earthquake liquefaction assessment win 2024 DesignSafe Dataset Award
The Faces of Disaster
posted 10-28-24
Social vulnerability spotlighted in 2024 NHERI DesignSafe Dataset Award winner
NSF-supported extreme events teams respond to Hurricanes Helene and Milton in Florida
posted 10-09-24
A joint team from the Nearshore Extreme Events Reconnaissance (NEER) Association and the Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance (GEER) Association has mobilized to investigate the impacts of storm surge and waves and resulting sediment erosion and deposition, debris transport and accumulation from Hurricanes Helene and Milton through pre-storm, during-storm, and post-storm field data collection.
Q&A: New dataset provides a robust picture of Hurricane Helene’s destruction – and could help design more resilient communities
posted 10-04-24
Days before Hurricane Helene descended, University of Washington researchers in the NHERI RAPID facility traveled to Cedar Key, Florida, and Horseshoe Beach, Florida, two small coastal communities near where the hurricane was predicted to make landfall.
Hurricane Helene: NSF-Funded Natural Hazards Experts Ready for Comment
posted 10-03-24
Experts from the NSF-supported Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) are available to discuss issues related to Hurricane Helene.
NHERI researchers are authorities in infrastructure damage from wind and storm surge, damage mitigation efforts, post-event data collection, and societal impacts in hurricane-prone regions.
Designing the World's Largest Wind-Wave Research Facility
posted 09-16-24
In 2022, NSF awarded a $12.8M planning grant to design the National Full-Scale Testing Infrastructure for Community Hardening in Extreme Wind, Surge, and Wave Events (NICHE) facility, an ambitious project that addresses the national research need for high-intensity and full-scale simulation of extreme winds combined with wave action and storm surge.
Research Symposium Caps Off the 2024 NHERI REU Summer
posted 08-22-24
NHERI undergraduate summer internship season closes with Research Symposium at UC San Diego.
NHERI Represented at Soil-Structure Interaction in OpenSees Meeting in Assisi, Italy, Sept 9-11
posted 08-12-24
Event features four speakers from the NHERI SimCenter, DesignSafe, and the NHERI Lehigh facility.
Wall of Wind Researchers Design, Test Hurricane Damage Solutions
posted 08-01-24
On NHERI’s DesignSafe Radio podcast, Florida International University meteorologist Erik Salna introduces the U.S. National Science Foundation-supported Wall of Wind
SimCenter Welcomes 2024 Summer REUs
posted 07-31-24
Four undergraduate researchers join the SimCenter at UC Berkeley for an intensive ten-week internship where they complete independent research projects while mentored by domain experts on the software development team.
U.S. and Japan Renew Earthquake Engineering Research Partnership
posted 07-30-24
After two fruitful periods of collaboration, the NIED and NHERI programs have formally renewed the long-term partnership between Japanese and American earthquake engineers for a new five-year effort.
NHERI Partners with CHEER Hub on Hurricane Decision-Making Framework
posted 07-29-24
The STARR software will help coastal communities develop fair and workable policies for hurricane damage mitigation.
Geotech Research to Advance Knowledge of Hazard-Prone Soils
posted 07-24-24
NSF CAREER Award research at UC Davis will give geotechnical engineers better data for conducting site investigations in hazard-prone regions.
Natural Hazards Sessions at the 2024 AGU Meeting
posted 07-18-24
NHERI researchers are encouraged to consider attending, and perhaps presenting, at the 2024 AGU meeting, which takes place December 9-13 in Washington, DC.
Highlights from the 2024 NHERI Summer Institute
posted 07-17-24
This year, 29 early-career academics joined NHERI researchers for three days of information-packed sessions, hands-on practice developing NSF proposals, and valuable networking with peers and established researchers in natural hazards engineering.
NHERI Research on Tap at 18th World Conference for Earthquake Engineering
posted 06-27-24
NHERI community members will represent US earthquake engineering research at the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE) from June 30 through July 5, 2024, in Milan, Italy.
Tampa-Area Undergrad Conducting Engineering Research at NHERI UC San Diego
posted 06-19-24
The NHERI shake table facility at UC San Diego will be hosting Tampa-area civil engineering student Michael Morales this summer as their participant in the 2024 NHERI Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.
Waisome Helps High School Educators Lean into Windy Lessons at University of Florida
posted 06-11-24
At the University of Florida NHERI Teacher Training Institute, teachers study storm-related vulnerabilities, create project-based lesson plans on wind resistance, and learn new ways to think about STEM teaching.
FIU, Wall of Wind, Bring Wind Engineering into Florida Classrooms
posted 06-01-24
Teachers across South Florida attended the Wind Engineering for STEM Teachers (WEST) workshop at the Florida International University Wall of WInd facility to learn wind engineering lessons they can bring back to their K-12 classrooms.
2024 Wall of Wind Mitigation Challenge: High School Teams Design, Test Protective Wind Barriers
posted 06-01-24
South Florida high school students were on the edge of their seats as they watched their wind mitigation models perform against the FIU Wall of Wind at the annual FIU-hosted Wall of Wind Mitigation Challenge.
Training to CONVERGE: Tabletop Exercise Advances Natural Hazards Reconnaissance and Research
posted 05-29-24
After five years of working together closely across disciplinary boundaries, the NHERI CONVERGE Leadership Corps decided to put their written plans to the test and convened a tabletop exercise in Atlanta, Georgia, featuring the CDC and NSF officials.
NSF NHERI Milestone: the 2024 National Hazards Research Summit
posted 05-29-24
The U.S. National Science Foundation-funded NHERI network kicked off the summer with the 2024 Natural Hazards Research Summit, May 14 and 15, at the University of Maryland with nearly 275 attendees from around the world.
NHERI at UC San Diego Hosts Turkish Delegation
posted 05-09-24
The NHERI at UC San Diego experimental facility recently hosted two teams of delegates from the Turkish Ministry of the Environment, Urban Planning, and Climate Change, and the Turkish National Natural Hazards Insurance Organization.
Release of the NHERI Decadal Visioning Study 2026-2035
posted 04-26-24
A new report provides the natural hazards engineering research community with emerging research and collaboration needs for improving the sustainability and resilience of civil infrastructure to natural hazard events
Sustainable Functional Recovery: A New Engineering Design Paradigm
posted 04-18-24
Oregon State University engineer and NHERI Converging Designs project PI Andre Barbosa joined Dan Zeher on the DesignSafe Radio podcast to discuss this milestone effort for understanding the behavior of mass-timber structures.
NHERI Science Plan, 3rd Edition: Key Updates on SimCenter, CONVERGE
posted 03-18-24
The latest NHERI Science Plan edition now presents the full scope of the NHERI network with enhanced experimental facility descriptions, research examples, and the new inclusion of major updates on the SimCenter and CONVERGE facilities.
CONVERGE Training Modules Surpass 10,000 Users
posted 03-11-24
The NHERI CONVERGE facility, headquartered at the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado Boulder, has reached a key milestone: More than 10,000 people are now registered for the CONVERGE Training Modules!
SimCenter Featured in the NHERI Science Plan, Third Edition
posted 02-15-24
Throughout the latest edition, early-career users will find stimulating ideas that leverage SimCenter tools in natural hazards engineering research.
NHERI Researchers featured in PBS Home Diagnosis TV Show
posted 02-13-24
"Accidents Happen," the third season of popular online PBS program Home Diagnosis, tackles topics of disaster with the help of eleven NHERI researchers spread across five exciting episodes.
SimCenter, DesignSafe Host Key Meeting in Los Angeles
posted 02-07-24
More than 200 researchers conducting modeling and simulation in natural hazards attended the 2024 NHERI Computational Symposium.
Opportunities to leverage CONVERGE in the NHERI Science Plan, Third Edition
posted 02-06-24
Early career researchers can build a research agenda that incorporates social science data and interdisciplinary approaches.
NSF’s Margulies Highlights NHERI Research, Data During Congressional Testimony
posted 02-05-24
Assistant Director of the NSF Engineering Directorate, Susan Margulies, spoke about the importance and value of the NHERI community during the January 30th House Research and Technology Subcommittee hearing.
NHERI CONVERGE Releases Twelfth Training Module: Indigenous Sovereignty in Disasters
posted 01-11-24
The latest CONVERGE Training Module offers original content and case studies that highlight how Indigenous sovereignty can help build resilience to hazards and disasters.
NHERI Network Informs Attendees at the 2023 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco
posted 01-10-24
Faculty and staff introduced AGU attendees to NHERI, NSF’s major commitment to shared-use infrastructure in natural hazards engineering. The booth’s hands-on demos engaged hundreds of visitors.
Call for NHERI-Themed Papers in a Frontiers in Built Environment Special Collection
posted 01-10-24
Abstract submissions are now open on the topic of “NHERI 2015-2025: a Decade of Discovery in Natural Hazards Engineering.”