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NHERI Newsletter

The NHERI Newsletter, published every other month, provides highlights from NHERI facilities. Read about research papers and activities, novel experiments, community resources, key events, and the latest in network education and outreach.

NHERI Newsletter Archive


Before summer 2021, stories were covered in the NHERI Research Quarterly and briefly a preliminary monthly version of the newsletter.  Below, find a complete archive of articles from both the Quarterlies and the first Newsletters, detailing some of NHERI's most innovative and influential early program research.

Winter 2016

Welcome to the first edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter.  In this issue you will find:

  • UC San Diego shakes things up with research
  • Texas demonstrations 3D levee imaging
  • UW RAPID kicks into high gear
  • The Wall of Wind blows researchers away
  • UW looks at seismic events in the Pacific Northwest
  • And more, including an interview with the ECO


NHERI Quarterly: Issue 1 - Winter 2016 (PDF)


Getting Featured

If you have a NHERI-related project you would like to see featured in a future edition of the NHERI Newsletter, please contact us with your ideas at: nheri.communications@gmail.com

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