NHERI Newsletter
The NHERI Newsletter, published every other month, provides highlights from NHERI facilities. Read about research papers and activities, novel experiments, community resources, key events, and the latest in network education and outreach.
NHERI Newsletter Archive
- December 2024–January 2025 Newsletter(opens in a new window)
- October 2024–November 2024 Newsletter(opens in a new window)
- August–September 2024 Newsletter(opens in a new window)
- June–July 2024 Newsletter(opens in a new window)
- April–May 2024 Newsletter(opens in a new window)
- February–March 2024 Newsletter(opens in a new window)
- December 2023–January 2024 Newsletter(opens in a new window)
- September–October 2023 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- July–August 2023 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- May–June 2023 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- February–March 2023 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- December 2022–January 2023 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- October–November 2022 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- August–September 2022 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- June–July 2022 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- May 2022 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- April 2022 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- March 2022 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- February 2022 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- January 2022 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- December 2021 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- November 2021 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- October 2021 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- September 2021 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- August 2021 Newsletter(opens a new window)
- July 2021 Newsletter(opens a new window)
Before summer 2021, stories were covered in the NHERI Research Quarterly and briefly a preliminary monthly version of the newsletter. Below, find a complete archive of articles from both the Quarterlies and the first Newsletters, detailing some of NHERI's most innovative and influential early program research.
Spring 2021
In the thirteenth edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Research Quarterly you will find:
- From the Director(opens a new window)
- Education and Outreach During a Pandemic: Lessons Learned(opens a new window)
- NHERI Researchers Respond to Call for Improved Resilience(opens a new window)
- NHERI SimCenter Introduces Novel, Community-driven Model for Hazards Simulation(opens a new window)
- NHERI Network Publications(opens a new window)
Winter 2021
In the twelfth edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter you will find:
- From the Director(opens a new window)
- UC San Diego Shake Table to Transform Earthquake Engineering(opens a new window)
- Case Study: Sustainable Outreach at the FIU Wall of Wind(opens a new window)
- A Novel Tool for Publishing Social Science, Engineering, and Interdisciplinary Natural Hazards Data(opens a new window)
- Education Corner(opens a new window)
- Grants Awarded Using NHERI Facilities and Resources(opens a new window)
Summer 2020
In the eleventh edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter you will find:
- Data Papers and Data Reuse Magnify Research Impact(opens a new window)
- Collaborative Research Boosts Resilience in Cascadia Subduction Zone(opens a new window)
- Centrifuge Model Testing Advances Viability of Rocking Foundations(opens a new window)
- Education Corner: Summer Institute, REU Program Updates(opens a new window)
- New Technical Transfer White Paper Available Online(opens a new window)
- NCO Report: NHERI User Satisfaction Survey, User Forum Elections(opens a new window)
- NHERI Grants Listing for Q4 2019 and Q1 2020(opens a new window)
Winter 2020
In the tenth edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter you will find:
- Novel Simulation Technique to Assess Wind-Load on Tall Buildings(opens a new window)
- CONVERGE Training Modules Bring Social Science Insights to Natural Hazards Engineering Research(opens a new window)
- NHERI RAPID Assists with the DUNEX Initiative(opens a new window)
- Summer Programs Seek Participants(opens a new window)
- Grants Awarded Between Q2 and Q3(opens a new window)
Summer 2019
In the ninth edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter you will find:
- DesignSafe: The Platform for Natural Hazards Engineering Data(opens a new window)
- Recreating Tsunamis Triggered by Underwater Volcanoes(opens a new window)
- In Earthquake-Prone Regions, What Makes for a Resilient Home?(opens a new window)
- Education Corner(opens a new window)
- Greetings from the NCO(opens a new window)
- 2019 Q1 Awards(opens a new window)
Winter 2018
In the eighth edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter you will find:
- NHERI RAPID Facility Deploys(opens a new window)
- DesignSafe-CI Accelerates the "Resilience Curve"(opens a new window)
- Next Steps for NHERI Five-Year Science Plan(opens a new window)
- Education Corner(opens a new window)
- Greetings from the NHERI NCO(opens a new window)
- NHERI Grant Awards October December 2018(opens a new window)
- NHERI Social Media(opens a new window)
Autumn 2018
In the seventh edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter you will find:
- Using Large Mobile Shakers for Non-destructive Infrastructure Testing(opens a new window)
- New CONVERGE Center to Augment NHERI(opens a new window)
- University of Florida Research Quantifies Tornado Loads on Residential Housing(opens a new window)
- Education Corner(opens a new window)
- Message from the Network Coordination Office(opens a new window)
- Q3 NHERI Awards JulySept 2018(opens a new window)
Summer 2018
In the sixth edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter you will find:
- Tall Wood Buildings: Pursuing Earthquake Resilience and Sustainability(opens a new window)
- Novel Deep Learning Approach Allows Rapid Analysis of Visual Data(opens a new window)
- NHERI SimCenter Releases Four New Software Tools(opens a new window)
- NHERI Awards, April 1 through June 30, 2018(opens a new window)
- NCO Update(opens a new window)
- Education Corner(opens a new window)
Spring 2018
In the fifth edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter you will find:
- NHERI Means Business, Forms Technology Transfer Committee(opens a new window)
- Hurricane Season 2017: A Coordinated Reconnaissance Effort(opens a new window)
- Building Cladding as Multi-Hazard Protection(opens a new window)
- NCO Update: A Year in Review from the NHERI Council(opens a new window)
- Education Corner: Interest Surges in NHERI REU Program(opens a new window)
Autumn 2017
In the fourth edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter you will find:
- Coastal Reconnaissance, September 2017(opens a new window)
- Tsunami Waves and Offshore Islands: Recent Experiments at OSU Confirm Unexpected Amplifications(opens a new window)
- SimCenter Releases Two New Learning Tools: MDOF and PGA(opens a new window)
- SimCenter Welcomes Dr. Wael Elhaddad to the Development Team(opens a new window)
- Education Corner: Educating Hazard Engineers, Current and Future(opens a new window)
- Autumn 2017 NHERI Project Awards(opens a new window)
- NCO Update: Forging International Partnerships(opens a new window)
Summer 2017
In the third edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter you will find:
- NHERI Five-Year Science Plan Published(opens a new window)
- Summer Updates from the NHERI NCO and ECO(opens a new window)
- The Importance of Data Publishing with Ellen Rathje(opens a new window)
- Project Aims to Revolutionze Design in Wind Engineering(opens a new window)
- Design Guidelines for Roof Pavers Against Wind Uplift(opens a new window)
- Hazard Researchers Embracing Biogeotechnics(opens a new window)
- Summer 2017 NHERI Project Awards(opens a new window)
- REU Students Help Test Wooden Structures at LHPOST(opens a new window)
Spring 2017
In the second edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter you will find:
- NHERI@UTexas Microtremor Stations: Revolutionary Work in Garner Valley(opens a new window)
- High-Achieving Wind Researcher Elawady Joins FIU(opens a new window)
- Purdue Research Aims to Accelerate Disaster Reconnaissance Data Use(opens a new window)
- University of Florida Terraformer on Science Nation(opens a new window)
- REU Program in Full Swing(opens a new window)
- Meet the NHERI User Forum(opens a new window)
- Spring 2017 NHERI Project Awardees(opens a new window)
- UC Davis NSF Business Systems Review(opens a new window)
Winter 2016
Welcome to the first edition of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Quarterly Newsletter. In this issue you will find:
- UC San Diego shakes things up with research
- Texas demonstrations 3D levee imaging
- UW RAPID kicks into high gear
- The Wall of Wind blows researchers away
- UW looks at seismic events in the Pacific Northwest
- And more, including an interview with the ECO
Getting Featured
If you have a NHERI-related project you would like to see featured in a future edition of the NHERI Newsletter, please contact us with your ideas at: nheri.communications@gmail.com