Setting Path to DesignSafe on Corral

The data stored on DesignSafe resides on the large (40 PB), shared data resource Corral located at the Texas Advanced Computing Center. Importantly, Corral services many different projects, not only DesignSafe, and as such utilizes a complex file structure for organization. The purpose of this documentation is to explain how to navitage this complex file structure to locate the directories pertinent to your data transfer needs on DesignSafe.

There are four main locations for data transfers on DesignSafe: My Data, My Projects, Published, and Published (NEES), they are each presented in detail below.

Path to My Data

For My Data set Path to /data/designsafe/mydata/<username>/

Replace <username> with your username. You can find your username by examining the URL in My Data, see figure below.

Path to My Data

Path to My Projects

For My Projects set Path to /corral/projects/NHERI/projects/<project-uid>/

Replace <project-uid> with your projects unique identifier (UID). You can find your projects UID by examining the URL in My Projects, see figure below.

Path to My Projects

Path to Published

For Published DesignSafe projects set Path to /corral/projects/NHERI/published/<PRJ-XXXX>

Replace <PRJ-XXXX> with your project's number. You can find your project number by examining the URL in Published, see figure below.

Path to Published

Path to Published (NEES)

For Published (NEES) projects set Path to /corral/projects/NHERI/public/projects/<NEES-XXXX-XXXX.groups>

Replace <NEES-XXXX-XXXX.groups> with the NEES project number. You can find the NEES project number by examining the URL in Published (NEES), see figure below.

Path to Published (NEES)

If you have any issues setting the path to DesignSafe on Corral, please create a ticket (