DesignSafe Managing Data

Browsing, Upload, and Download

Figure 1. Data Depot

Figure 1. Data Depot "My Data" screenshot

The Data Depot provides a user interface with a familiar desktop metaphor for manipulating files. The UI for a typical Data Depot window is shown in Figure 1 above. On the left is your directory tree (My Data, etc), and on the right are the files and folders within the currently selected directory. Folders can be navigated simply by clicking on the name of the folders. Clicking on the name of a file will pop up a preview of the file.

The Data Depot is searchable using the "Find in " search box (The global website search box "Search DesignSafe" is above and to the right).

Alongside the search, buttons are available for a number of file and folder actions. The Rename, Move, Copy, Download, etc. actions all behave as one would expect.

Click on the blue "+Add" button above the list of directories to create a New Folder, a New Project in My Projects, to do a File Upload or a Folder upload or for Bulk Data Transfer instructions. Note that only Chrome supports browser-based Folder uploads.

A number of data transfer methods are supported for uploading and downloading files. The Data Transfer Guide provides details regarding the various methods and recommendations based on the quantity and size of your files.

Data Sharing, Collaboration, Curation & Publication

My Projects is the simplest way to share data with your collaborators and to curate and ultimately publish your data and receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Any team member in a project has both read and write access to the entire contents of the project. The Data Curation & Publication User Guide provides instructions for creating projects, managing team members, curating and publishing your data.