Accessing Computation and Data Resources

Initial Onboarding

When you are ready to begin uploading your own data to the Data Depot or want to begin using some of the Tools & Apps, you will want to initiate the onboarding process. The initial onboarding provides you with private areas for your data and access to Tools & Apps that are hosted on our Virtual Machines such as JupyterHub or Interactive VM for OpenSees. Access to HPC-enabled applications requires an additional step.

There are 2 ways to invoke the onboarding:

  1. Navigate to the Data Depot.
  2. Navigate to Tools & Apps, then into any of the apps and find one that uses HPC such as OpenSeesMP and click Get Started.

You will be redirected to the Onboarding Setup page, and you will then want to click Request Access.

Allocations to use the HPC-enabled Tools & Apps

DesignSafe provides many HPC-enabled Tools & Apps that require an allocation of computing time. Upon navigating to one of these, such as OpenSeesMP and clicking on "Get Started" you will see a banner informing you to submit a ticket requesting an allocation if you don't already have one.