PBE (Download)
Get StartedDownloadable app that performs simulations locally or on DesignSafe computing resources.
The Performance Based Engineering (PBE) Application simulates the impact of natural hazards on buildings or other structures using a probabilistic approach with the Pelicun damage and loss assessment engine. It integrates EE-UQ modules for open-source seismic response simulations and supports commercial tools and non-seismic hazards by importing external response data. Various uncertainties in damage and loss models can be represented and propagated through the analyses. Custom user-defined models and calculation methodologies are also supported. The PBE Application simulates the repair process of a building from damage and loss results through an integrated functional recovery tool. Outputs are provided in a standardized format for further analysis.
This application was developed by the NHERI SimCenter.
PBE Website Application Summary User Guide
3.1. FEMA P-58 Assessment Using External Demands
3.2. Shear Building: HAZUS Assessment
3.3. FEMA P-58 Assessment Using External Demands and REDi Recovery
Please include all of these citations if you use PBE on DesignSafe.
Adam Zsarnoczay, Frank McKenna, Charles Wang, Wael Elhaddad, Stevan Gavrilovic, Claudio Perez, Michael Gardner, Peter Mackenzie-Helnwein, & Noam-Elisha. (2024). NHERI-SimCenter/PBE: Version 3.4.0 (V3.4.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10902085
Deierlein, G.G., McKenna, F., et al. (2020). A Cloud-Enabled Application Framework for Simulating Regional-Scale Impacts of Natural Hazards on the Built Environment. Frontiers in Built Environment. 6, 196. doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2020.558706.
Rathje, E., Dawson, C. Padgett, J.E., Pinelli, J.-P., Stanzione, D., Adair, A., Arduino, P., Brandenberg, S.J., Cockerill, T., Dey, C., Esteva, M., Haan, Jr., F.L., Hanlon, M., Kareem, A., Lowes, L., Mock, S., and Mosqueda, G. 2017. “DesignSafe: A New Cyberinfrastructure for Natural Hazards Engineering,” ASCE Natural Hazards Review, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000246.
Downloadable app that performs simulations locally or on DesignSafe computing resources.
Web portal app that performs simulations on DesignSafe computing resources.
Determine the response of a structure to an earthquake.
Assess the performance of a building subjected to wave loading.
Facilitate high-resolution assessment the regional impact of natural hazards.
Assess the performance of a building to wind loading.
Advance the integration of uncertainty quantification and optimization.