Get StartedIdeal for smaller simulations, and runs on a single node on Stampede3.
ADCIRC, ADvanced CIRCulation, is a system of computer programs for solving time-dependent, free surface circulation and transport problems in two and three dimensions. These programs utilize the finite element method in space allowing the use of highly flexible and unstructured grids. All of the available programs are NetCDF capable to support the express creation and sharing of array-oriented hurricane data.
Read step-by-step instructions on getting started and a detailed breakdown of version differences in the User Guide.
WEBINAR - The ADCIRC Suite of Storm Surge Simulators, March 6, 2019
Improving ADCIRC UX w/ DS - Parameter Customization & Outputs Visualization
Please include both of these citations if you use ADCIRC on DesignSafe.
Joannes Westerink & Rick Luettich. (2014). Advanced Circulation (ADCIRC) Version NN [Computer software]. Retrieved from
Joannes Westerink & Rick Luettich. (2014). Parallel Advanced Circulation (ADCIRC) SWAN Version NN [Computer software]. Retrieved from
Joannes Westerink & Rick Luettich. (2014). Parallel Advanced Circulation (PADCIRC) Version NN [Computer software]. Retrieved from
Please, change "Version NN" to the version you used.
Rathje, E., Dawson, C. Padgett, J.E., Pinelli, J.-P., Stanzione, D., Adair, A., Arduino, P., Brandenberg, S.J., Cockerill, T., Dey, C., Esteva, M., Haan, Jr., F.L., Hanlon, M., Kareem, A., Lowes, L., Mock, S., and Mosqueda, G. 2017. “DesignSafe: A New Cyberinfrastructure for Natural Hazards Engineering,” ASCE Natural Hazards Review, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000246.
Ideal for smaller simulations, and runs on a single node on Stampede3.
ADCIRC Interactive provides users with a JupyterLab environment running on a small VM with pre-installed adcirc/padcirc for testing before submitting HPC jobs.
Resolves several issues previously associated with the coupling of wave and circulation models
Parallel version of ADCIRC and uses multiple nodes. Ideal for larger simulations. Runtimes are subject to current wait times in the HPC job queues.
Create images for ADCIRC files using this Fortran program.
Convert ADCIRC output files to GIS-compatible shapefiles.