SWbatch Overview
SWbatch is a web-based application for performing batch-style surface wave inversions. It allows rapid and convenient inversion of experimental dispersion data with multiple parameterizations and trials.
Learn How to Use SWbatch
Read step-by-step instructions on getting started in the User Guide.
SWbatch Official Resources
How to Cite SWbatch & DesignSafe
Please include both of these citations if you use SWbatch on DesignSafe.
Vantassel, J.P., Gurram, H., and Cox, B.R., (2020). jpvantassel/swbatch: latest (Concept). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3840546
Vantassel, J.P., Cox, B.R., (2020). SWinvert: A workflow for performing rigorous 1D surface wave inversions. Geophysical Journal International https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggaa426
Rathje, E., Dawson, C. Padgett, J.E., Pinelli, J.-P., Stanzione, D., Adair, A., Arduino, P., Brandenberg, S.J., Cockerill, T., Dey, C., Esteva, M., Haan, Jr., F.L., Hanlon, M., Kareem, A., Lowes, L., Mock, S., and Mosqueda, G. 2017. “DesignSafe: A New Cyberinfrastructure for Natural Hazards Engineering,” ASCE Natural Hazards Review, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000246.