Data Reuse Case Studies
Numerical and Experimental Validation
Seismic response of cut and cover tunnels (Sadiq et al. 2019)

Availability of open, curated datasets are fundamental to those researchers who do not have the resources to conduct large-scale experiments. Such is the case for Dr. Duhee Park and his students at Hanyang University in South Korea. Their research group studies various effects of earthquakes on tunnels, and they were looking for experimental data regarding the seismic response of a tunnel system. In their published research (Sadiq et al. 2019) they used published data from Gillis et al. (2014) from a geotechnical centrifuge test that investigated the seismic response of a shallow cut and cover tunnel in sand to validate a widely used Equivalent linear (EQL) analysis approach for seismic analysis of tunnels. They found the experience of retrieving the recorded responses and corresponding ground motions easy and fast due to the clear organization of the dataset.
Publication Reusing Data
Sadiq, S., Nguyen, Q., Jung, H., and Park, D. (2019). Effect of Flexibility Ratio on Seismic Response of Cut-and-Cover Box Tunnel. Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2019, July 2019, pp. 116. (Crossref),
Dataset Reused
Gillis, K., Dashti, S., and Jones, C. (2014) Test-1: Seismic Response of an Isolated Cut and Cover Tunnel in Dry Sand, [Dataset]. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES).
Impact of Data Reuse
Numerical and Experimental Validation Case Studies
Integrated seismic response predictions
Hysteretic finite element model of structural beams
Seismic Response of Cut and Cover Tunnels
Understanding Tsunami-Debris-Structure Interactions via SPH-FEM
Monitoring structural damage using CCTV data: a complete data lifecycle