Data Reuse Case Studies
Model Development
Basin Effects and Limitations of 1D Site Response Analysis from 2D Numerical Models of the Thorndon Basin (McGann et al. 2021)

The versatility of well curated public datasets enables their continuing reuse to advance the field of natural hazards engineering. Researchers from University of Canterbury and The University of Auckland used data published on DesignSafe to better understand earthquake hazard at sites located in sedimentary basins. In their paper, McGann et al. (2021) compare 1D and 2D site response for the Thorndon Basin located in Wellington, New Zealand, and find significant amplification of earthquake shaking, as compared to 1D analyses, when 2D basin-related effects are taken into account. The work was made possible, in part, by data acquired by Cox and Vantassel (2018) to characterize the subsurface soils in the city of Wellington, New Zealand following the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake. We have reported the reuse of this dataset before, but for a different purpose. The authors of this new study heard about the published data through a collaborator and were able to find it and retrieve it without inconveniences from DesignSafe, including all the documentation needed to understand its provenance. The authors will use results of this study for subsequent work related to understanding the seismic response of an instrumented structure located in Wellington, New Zealand. Their hope is that this work will inform practitioners of the significance of non-1D effects, in particular basin effects, when performing seismic hazard analyses in the future.
Publication Reusing Data:
McGann, C. R., Bradley, B., Wotherspoon, L., & Lee, R. (2021). Basin effects and limitations of 1D site response analysis from 2D numerical models of the Thorndon basin. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 54(1), 2130.
Dataset Reused:
Cox, Brady, Vantassel, Joseph. (2018) "Dynamic Characterization of Wellington, New Zealand", in Dynamic Characterization of Wellington, New Zealand. DesignSafe-CI.