Mitigation of Natural Hazards Through Component Testing, Advanced Simulation, and Large-Scale Multi-Directional Experiments

NHERI Lehigh Researcher Workshop

November 16-17, 2023 | 8:30am – 1:00pm EST

The NHERI Lehigh Experimental Facility will be hosting a Researcher Workshop on Thursday, November 16th and Friday, November 17th.

The event will provide participants with the opportunity to learn more about the facility by attending presentations on the capabilities and resources of the facility, taking part in a laboratory tour, and witnessing demonstrations of component-scale and large-scale multi-directional experimental tests, and real-time hybrid simulations subjected to climate change induced natural hazard events including wind, waves, and earthquakes.

Participants will learn how the facility can be used to tackle grand challenge problems, such as those discussed in the NHERI Science Plan. Past and current projects will be presented by researchers who have successfully used the facility to illustrate how prospective researchers can use the facility to tackle some of these challenges. Attendees will learn how physics-based machine learning models can be utilized in real-time hybrid simulations and large-scale multi-directional experiments.

The workshop with provide prospective researchers with valuable information and insight that enables them to develop strategies for writing successful NSF research proposals that utilize the NHERI Lehigh EF. Workshop participants will be given the opportunity to attend office hours to discuss their interests and gain mentorship in preparing research proposals through face-to-face meetings with the PI and facility staff.

The goals of this workshop are to:

  • Disseminate information on the use of the NHERI Lehigh Experimental Facility (EF) to conduct state-of-the-art research and recent advances in simulation to mitigate the effects of natural hazards on civil infrastructure including the use of machine learning models, advanced data visualization techniques, and fluid-structure and soil-structure interaction models.
  • Highlight testimony of researchers who have used the facility to provide examples of how prospective researchers can utilize the NHERI Lehigh EF.
  • Demonstrate experiments and simulations which utilize component scale, hybrid simulations, and large-scale test beds to illustrate how prospective researchers can utilize facility equipment.
  • Identify challenges, including those documented in the NHERI Science Plan, and the role of the NHERI program in addressing these challenges.
  • Facilitate sharing of ideas and research collaboration among workshop participants.
  • Provide guidance for preparing competitive NHERI research proposals.

For planning purposes, the workshop is scheduled to begin at 8:30 am EST on Thursday, November 16th, 2023 and will conclude by 1:00 pm EST on Friday, November 17th.

Participant Support Funds

Participant support funds up to a maximum of $900 per registrant, are available for travel and lodging. Junior faculty and post-doctoral researchers are particularly encouraged to apply. Requested travel support will be confirmed to the registrant by October 27th. Participant support funds will be reimbursed following the workshop upon the submittal of an expense summary and valid receipts to NHERI Lehigh by registrant.

Questions can be addressed to NHERI Lehigh Operations Manager Joe Saunders at or 610-758-3223.

Workshop Registration