Facility Project
With the centralized scheduling of projects in the NHERI program, the first step to performing research at an Experimental Facility (EF) using time and resources devoted to the NHERI program is for researchers to file a Site Utilization Request Form (SURF). The SURF includes questions about the type of work to be performed, the types of equipment needed for the experiments, and the details of funding for the work. The SURF will be used by the NCO's Facility Scheduling and Operations Coordinator (FSOC) and staff of the EF sites requested to determine the viability of the project. Before completing a SURF, researchers are encouraged to review the list of available EF sites participating in the NHERI program and the Scheduling Protocol all NHERI projects will follow.
Experimental Facilities
Researchers can request access to equipment at eight unique facilities participating in the NHERI program.
Scheduling Protocol
Researchers should take into account while planning new projects the protocol all NHERI projects will follow.
DesignSafe Slack
The DesignSafe Cyberinfrastructure group has created a Slack team for the NHERI community. Slack is a collaborative messaging and sharing service which allows the community to communicate easily with each other and with groups organized around specific topics. The FSOC and many of the experimental facility site managers can be contacted through Slack.
DesignSafe Slack Online Collaboration
Experimental Facility Site Managers
Florida International University Steve Diaz and Manuel Matus
LeHigh University Chad Kusko
Oregon State University Pedro Lomonaco
University of California, Davis Dan Wilson
University of California, San Diego Koorosh Lotfizadeh
University of Florida Susan Triana and Scott Powell
University of Texas at Austin Farnyuh Menq
University of Washington Jaqueline Peltier and Mike Grilliot