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NHERI Experimental Facilities


Each year, natural hazards in the U.S. cause hundreds of deaths, disrupt the social and economic fabric of our communities, and cost billions of dollars(opens a new window) in damage. To render our nation and its infrastructure more resilient, NSF has funded the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure, NHERI.

NHERI’s seven Experimental Facilities support innovative investigations for mitigating damage caused by hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, wind storms, storm surge, and flooding. Find details below about these shared-use laboratories, located at universities across the country.

Two facilities in the planning phase will address winds, including non-synptic winds, surge, and related hazards.

Quicklinks for Researchers

Researchers with the NSF ECI program(opens a new window) can find details about the required data management plan here: DesignSafe Data Management Plan Guidance.

Facilities Listing

Florida International University(opens a new window)

The Wall of Wind: Full-scale Hurricane Wind Testing Facility


University of California, San Diego(opens a new window)

Large High Performance Outdoor Shake Table (LHPOST)


Oregon State University(opens a new window)

O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory

Lehigh University(opens a new window)

Real-Time Multi-Directional (RTMD) Experimental Facility with Large-Scale Hybrid Simulation Testing Capabilities

University of Texas at Austin(opens a new window)

Experimental equipment site specializing in dynamic in-situ testing using large-scale mobile shakers

University of California, Davis(opens a new window)

Center for Geotechnical Modeling (CGM)

University of Florida(opens a new window)

The Powell Lab: Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Experimental Facility

Future Facilities

NICHE(opens a new window)

National Full-Scale Testing Infrastructure for Community Hardening in Extreme Wind, Surge, and Wave Events

NEWRITE(opens a new window)

National Testing Facility for Enhancing Wind Resiliency of Infrastructure in Tornado-Downburst-Gust Front Events

Experimental Facilities | DesignSafe-CI