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Project IDTitlePrincipal InvestigatorDescriptionKeywordsPublication Date
PRJ-5851Spreadsheet Tools for a Simplified Evaluation of Liquefaction-Induced Settlement
Riwaj DhakalEarthquake, Liquefaction, Settlement3/6/2025
PRJ-5850NSF#2345642 RAPID/Collaborative Research: Integrated Sociotechnical Investigations of the Compounding Impacts of Maui Wildfires fueled by Hurricane Dora
Field research
Chen ChenWildifire, Evacuation, Warning3/5/2025
PRJ-5839Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), NHERI 2024: Using Street-Level Hurricane Damage Datasets to Advance AI-Supported Damage Detection and Characterization
Research Experience for Undergraduates
Edan MillerRAPID, SIMCENTER , AI3/5/2025
PRJ-5841Investigating Access and Barriers to Use of the San Diego Emergency App for ShakeAlert Through a Multi-Methods Approach
Survey Instrument
Michael Brudzinskisurvey, multihazard, alerting3/5/2025
PRJ-5846Tsunami Debris Motion and Loads in a Scaled Port Setting: Comparative Analysis Data for Three Numerical Methods
Justin BonusMaterial Point Method, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, STAR-CCM+3/3/2025
PRJ-5744Mobile Testbed: Dataset of railway bridges, embankments and railway network
Jamie Padgettrailway, transportation, hurricanes3/1/2025
PRJ-5845Evaluating National Weather Service Fire Weather Products within a Fire Partner and Public Decision Making Context
Field research
Stephanie Hoekstrafocus group guide, wildfire, decision timeline2/28/2025
PRJ-5821Physics-based visualization of visible damage of concrete (Vivid-Concrete) in frame members in support of virtual earthquake experience
Kuanshi Zhongvirtual reality, earthquake, concrete damage2/26/2025
PRJ-5835Tsunami Transfer Function Project: Machine Learning Based Method to Estimate Onshore Tsunami Hazard Curves
Archival MaterialsCodeDatabaseModel
Patrick Lynetttsunami hazard, PTHA, hazard curves2/21/2025
PRJ-5829Automating inspection and damage classification of ageing masonry railway bridges and viaducts
Field research
Sam Cockingstructural damage, crack detection, spalling detection2/21/2025
PRJ-5830NSF Belmont Forum Collaborative Research: Advancing Resilience in Low-Income Housing Using Climate-Change Science and Big Data Analytics
Homeira Mirhosseinilow-income Communities, Flood Risk Mitigation, Community Resilience2/19/2025
PRJ-5756The Global Database for Coastal Boulder Deposits (ISROC-DB) from Inundation Signature on Rocky Coastlines (ISROC)
Field research
Andrew KennedyCoastal Boulder Deposits (CBDs), Storm Waves, Tsunamis2/17/2025
PRJ-5827V3.0 Landslide inventory for the Mw7.8 14 November 2016, Kaikōura Earthquake, New Zealand
Field research
Katie Jones Kaikōura Earthquake, New Zealand, landslide inventory2/16/2025
PRJ-5819Development and Application of Machine Learning-Based Multi-Hazard Fragility Surfaces for Earthquake-Tsunami Resilience Analysis
John van de LindtMachine learning, Multi-hazard analysis, Earthquake-tsunami fragility surfaces2/12/2025
PRJ-5818Community-Level Multi-Hazard Resilience Analysis Using Earthquake-Tsunami Fragility Surfaces and Monte Carlo Simulation in the Pseudo Seaside Testbed
John van de LindtCommunity resilience, Multi-hazard analysis, Earthquake-tsunami fragility surfaces2/12/2025
PRJ-4839Understanding Near-Surface Wind Characteristics from Wind-borne Debris Flight Media
David Rouechedebris, wind-borne, Wall of Wind2/12/2025
PRJ-5816Single-Variable Fragility Analysis of Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences for Community Resilience Studies: Data and Code
John van de LindtSeismic Vulnerability, Fragility Functions, Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences2/11/2025
PRJ-5797EERI-SSEER 2023 Kahramanmaras, Turkiye Earthquake Sequence Reconnaissance
Field research
Maggie Ortiz-MillanRecovery, Reconstruction, Functional Recovery2/11/2025
PRJ-5748Enhancing the Fidelity of Social Media Image Datasets in Earthquake Disaster Assessment
Field research
Huili HuangEarthquake, Social Media, Deep Learning2/7/2025
PRJ-5803Influence of Stratigraphic Variability and Ground Motion Properties on the Effectiveness of Dense Granular Columns as Liquefaction Mitigation for Structures
Caroline BessetteLiquefaction, Soil-Structure Interaction, Mitigation2/7/2025
PRJ-5801Portage, Michigan May 7, 2024 Tornado Post Disaster Assessment
Frank LombardoTornado, Treefall, Wind speed2/4/2025
PRJ-5814Wind Tunnel Aeroelastic Model Tests of a Super-Tall Building with External Guywire Support
Luca Caracogliawind tunnel testing, aeroelastic model, acceleration data2/4/2025
PRJ-2941Collaborative Research: Shear-Buckling Mechanics for Enhanced Performance of Thin Plates
Maria GarlockShear buckling, plate girders, large-scale2/3/2025
PRJ-5783Collaborative Research: Self-Centering Pendulum Shear Walls in Buildings via Nonlinear Elastic Kinematics
Rigoberto BurguenoUnbonded Post-Tensioned Shear Walls, Pendulum PC-UPTS Walls, Energy Dissipation2/3/2025
PRJ-5812Analytical Modeling for the Effect of Grain Size Distribution on the Critical State of Granular Soil
Ching Changgrain size distribution, triaxial test, stress-strain2/2/2025
PRJ-5799NSF-Goali: Future Underground Landscape -Learning from Large Excavations in a Complex Urban Environment - Field Monitoring and Testing data
Youssef HashashExcavations, Urban Construction, Surface Settlements1/31/2025
PRJ-5805Subsurface Characterization of Selected Liquefaction Case Histories - 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquake Sequence
Field research
Jorge MacedoKahramanmaras Earthquake Sequence , Cone Penetration Testing, liquefaction1/31/2025
PRJ-5667Multidisciplinary Pre, During and Post Storm Data Collection.
Field research
Nina StarkNEER, UW RAPID Facility, Hurricane Helene1/31/2025
PRJ-5772Archive of an Earthquake Ground Motion Relational Database (GMDB) for Engineering Applications
Scott BrandenbergDatabase, Ground Motion, Site Parameter1/30/2025
PRJ-5807Hydrodynamic modeling of runoff, coastal, and compound flood processes during Hurricane Florence across the Carolinas
Lauren GrimleyCompound Flooding, SFINCS, ADCIRC1/30/2025
PRJ-5793Data Files for San Francisco Bay Area (SFBA) Ground Motion Study
Jonathan StewartEarthquake Ground Motions, Database, Site Response1/29/2025
PRJ-5800NGL SMT Cyclic Laboratory Test Data for the Development of a Liquefaction Triggering Model
Kristin Ulmerliquefaction, cyclic laboratory tests, soil1/27/2025
PRJ-5794A dataset of roots and root-reinforced soils characteristics
Sukrityranjan SamantaLandslide, Root-reinforced soils, Machine learning framework1/26/2025
PRJ-5795Predicting Hurricane-Induced Building Damage Using Multimodal Data: Insights from the StEER Dataset
Field research
Danrong ZhangHurricane-induced building damage prediction, pre-hurricane building images, machine learning1/24/2025
PRJ-4612Tamkang Aerodynamic Loads Database for High-rise Buildings
Ahsan KareemWind load, Wind tunnel experiment, High frequency base balance technique1/22/2025
PRJ-5792Historical Hurricane-Induced US Gulf Coast Petrochemical Infrastructure Disruption Data 2023
Kendall CapshawUS Gulf Coast petrochemical processing infrastructure, hurricane hazards, oil and gas1/18/2025
PRJ-5758Topobathymetric Digital Elevation Models (DEM) for Flood Modeling in the Carolinas
Lauren GrimleyDigital Elevation Model, Bathymetry1/16/2025
PRJ-3150Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Tall Buildings using Automated Cyber-Physical Testing
Brian PhillipsHFFB, Tall Buildings, Wind Hazards1/14/2025
PRJ-5787NHERI Computational Academy Data Report 2023
Stephanie BakerEvaluation, Participant Survey, Participant Profile1/13/2025
PRJ-5768Webinar material: Leveraging HPC Resources at DesignSafe-CI and Interoperability with IN-CORE for Resilience Assessment
Jamie PadgettJupyter HPC, Network Resilience, Normalized Network Efficiency1/10/2025
PRJ-5736Shake table testing program of 6-story mass timber and hybrid resilient structures (NHERI Converging Design project)
Andre Barbosashake table, mass timber, Full-scale1/9/2025
PRJ-5780Peak EDP distribution of concrete and steel moment resisting frame buildings with varying design configurations exposed to a set of historic ground motions
Benchmark Dataset
Alexandros TaflanidisArchetype buildings, Moment resisting frame, Nonlinear time-history analysis1/3/2025
PRJ-5700Virtual Damage Assessment and First-floor Elevation Estimation: Application to Fort Myers Beach, Florida and Hurricane Ian (2022)
Field research
Mehrshad AminiHurricane Ian, Damage assessment , Structural damage1/2/2025
PRJ-5765Next-Generation Scenarios and Scenario-Based Planning to Motivate Mitigation
Field research
Janise RodgersScenarios, Mitigation, Interviews12/28/2024
PRJ-4820Hybrid and Cyclic Testing of Steel Moment Frames with Deep Column
Hybrid Simulation
Gilberto MosquedaDeep columns, steel moment frames, quasi-static12/26/2024
PRJ-4597Lessons learned from the 2021 Pacific Northwest heat dome: a qualitative study of Western Washington’s healthcare community response
Field research
Nicole ErrettExtreme Heat, Implementation Science, Qualitative Research12/24/2024
PRJ-5776Shear Behavior of UHPC Considering Axial Load and Fiber Alignment
Dimitrios KalliontzisUltra-high-performance concrete, UHPC, Universal Panel Tester12/24/2024
Grigorios LavrentiadisNGMM PSHA Non-ergodic Hazard12/17/2024
PRJ-5749Deformation Mechanisms in Stratigraphically Layered Liquefiable Deposits Near Buildings on Shallow Foundations
Lianne Britofinite-element modeling, centrifuge modeling, soil-structure interaction12/17/2024
PRJ-5770Ian-BD: pre- and post-disaster high-resolution aerial imagery for building damage assessment from Hurricane Ian.
Joseph GyegyiriHurricane Ian, Building damage, Aerial Imagery12/17/2024
PRJ-5764Examination of analytical shear stress predictions for coastal dune evolution
Orie Cecilaeolian sediment transport, CFD, coastal dunes12/13/2024
PRJ-5689StEER - Hurricane Milton
Field research
Tracy Kijewski-CorreaStEER, Reconnaissance, Level 112/10/2024
PRJ-4573Earthquake Dataset for the Study of Small Magnitude Earthquakes in the San Francisco Region
Maxime LacourSan Francisco Bay Area, small magnitude, earthquakes12/9/2024
PRJ-5763Quantification of Seismic Column Rotation in Steel Special Moment Frames via Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis
Shitao ShiEarthquake Engineering, Seismic Local Buckling Limits, Column Rotation12/9/2024
PRJ-5759A Critical Evaluation of some Constitutive Models for Finite Element Simulation of Structural Steel Components
Benchmark Dataset
Machel MorrisonStructural Steel , Material Test, Component Test12/7/2024
PRJ-5755Identifying Tornado Warning Needs and Barriers to Protective Action for Individuals with Disabilities
Field research
Sangwon LeeTornado, disability, post-traumatic stress12/7/2024
PRJ-5762Digital Dataset of Recorded Significant Durations and Bayless et al. (2024) Rupture Directivity Parameters
Jeff Baylessearthquake, significant duration, rupture directivity12/6/2024
PRJ-5746CPT-Based Liquefaction Case Histories from Global Earthquakes: A Digital Dataset
Brett Maurer liquefaction, CPT, case history database12/6/2024
PRJ-5760Public Health Preparedness and Response Data Sources in Department of Health and Human Services Region 10
Martha Ryanpublic health, emergency, preparedness12/4/2024
PRJ-5753Hercules Database Inquiry and DRM implementation in Abaqus
Clifford YenRegional Earthquake, Hercules, Python12/4/2024
PRJ-5757SFINCS and ADCIRC Modeled Present and Future Flood Extents for Hurricanes Florence, Matthew, and Floyd
Lauren GrimleyFlood Extent, Storm Surge, Compound Flooding12/3/2024
Amal ElawadyHurricane, downburst winds, transmission tower12/2/2024
PRJ-4548Downburst Effect on Transmission Towers
Amal Elawadydownburst winds, aerodynamic testing, drag coefficient12/2/2024
PRJ-5754Non-ergodic based seismic performance assessment of slope systems
Jorge MacedoNon-ergodic hazard, non-ergodic fragility, seismic performance11/29/2024
PRJ-5716A neural operator-based emulator for regional shallow water dynamics
Sourav Duttaneural operator, operator learning, scientific machine learning11/27/2024
PRJ-5745Mechanics-informed machine learning for geospatial modeling of soil liquefaction: example model implementation in Jupyter Notebook and Matlab
Jupyter Notebook
Morgan Sangergeospatial, soil liquefaction, hazard modeling11/27/2024
PRJ-5751Detection of Cracking and Spalling Damage in Buildings and Bridges
Field research
Yongsheng BaiDeep learning, structural damage, crack detection11/27/2024
PRJ-5669StEER - Hurricane Helene
Field research
Tracy Kijewski-CorreaStEER, reconnaissance, Level 111/26/2024
PRJ-5618Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), NSF NHERI 2024: Development of a Parametrized Fragility Database for Performance-Based Structural Fire Engineering
Research Experience for Undergraduates
Emily NakamuraNSF NHERI SimCenter, Fragility Function, Monte Carlo Simulation11/22/2024
PRJ-5743STEEL-3dPointClouds: 3D-point cloud database for supporting automated quantification of residual life and reusability of steel beam-columns
Tianyu Gusteel beam-column, numerical simulation, point cloud11/20/2024
PRJ-5735Structural health monitoring of offshore wind turbines using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)
James Xuoffshore wind, onshore wind, structural health monitoring11/19/2024
PRJ-2992SERA AIMS - Shake Table Test and Blind Prediction Competition
Igor Tomicshake-table test, blind prediction11/19/2024
PRJ-5740Collaborative Research: Self-Centering Pendulum Shear Walls in Buildings via Nonlinear Elastic Kinematics
Pedro Silva Energy Dissipation, Loading Rate, Friction Coefficient11/17/2024
PRJ-4359Shake Table Test of a Resilient Full-Scale Ten-Story Mass Timber Building
Shiling PeiMass timber, resilience, shake table test11/15/2024
PRJ-5737NSF BRITE Synergy: Developing and Validating a Framework for Measuring Resilience in Low-Income Housing in the Post-Pandemic World
DatasetSurvey Instrument
Homeira Mirhosseinilow income communities, extreme weather, energy poverty11/14/2024
PRJ-5697Nonlinear site response of soft soil sites in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region of California
Jonathan Stewart1D Nonlinear Ground Response Simulation, Soil Nonlinear Parameters Randomization, Relational Database11/13/2024
PRJ-5718Hybrid Experimental-Numerical Methodology and Field Calibration for Characterization of Peak Wind Effects on Low-Rise Buildings and Their Appurtenances
Arindam Gan ChowdhuryDynamic Effects, Full-scale, Wall of Wind11/11/2024
PRJ-5734NHERI Computational Academy Data Report 2024
Stephanie BakerEvaluation, Participant Survey, Participant Profile 11/11/2024
PRJ-5732Mechanics-informed machine learning for geospatial modeling of soil liquefaction: global model map products for LPI, LPIish, and LSN
Morgan Sangergeospatial, soil liquefaction, hazard modeling11/11/2024
PRJ-5733Mechanics-informed machine learning for geospatial modeling of soil liquefaction: New Zealand model map products for LPI, LPIish, and LSN
Morgan Sangergeospatial, hazard modeling, soil liquefaction11/11/2024
PRJ-4598Design of Reinforced Ultra-High Performance Concrete Columns: Strength Design
Matthew BandeltUltra-High Performance Concrete, Columns, Database11/9/2024
PRJ-4211StEER/RAPID: Hurricane Ian
Field research
NHERI RAPIDStEER, RAPID Facility, reconnaissance11/5/2024
PRJ-5725Fire Resilience of Physical Civil Infrastructure
Erica Fischerfire, wildfire, civil infrastructure10/31/2024
PRJ-5694Shake Table Test of the NHERI TallWood 10-story Mass Timber Building with Post-tensioned Rocking Walls and Supplemental Uplift Friction Dampers
Daniel Dowdenshake table test, mass timber, post-tensioned rocking wall10/31/2024
PRJ-5722Natural Hazards Research Summit 2024: Urban resilience to disasters: how to respond to flooding impacts on critical infrastructures in urban settings?
Mengling QiaoResilience, mobility, flooding10/30/2024
PRJ-2657NHERI UC San Diego LHPOST6 Modular Testbed Building (MTB2)
Tara HutchinsonShake table tests, building models, testbed model10/29/2024
PRJ-5717A literature review of Identifying Barriers in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Haorui WuCOVID-19, flood , entrepreneurship10/29/2024
PRJ-5692Replaceable and Post-Installed Anchors Monotonic and Cyclic Tension Testing Program
Michael MoranoStretch Length, Adhesive Anchors, Partially-Bonded10/25/2024
PRJ-5713Component testing of the pressurized sand damper
KOSTAS KALFASresponse modification, energy dissipation, hysteretic/rate-independent behavior10/24/2024
PRJ-5706Impact of Parameter Selection on Seismic Loss and Recovery Time Estimates: A Variance-Based Sensitivity Analysis
Carlos Molina HuttPerformance-based earthquake engineering, seismic loss, recovery time10/24/2024
PRJ-5712Wave simulation data for the critical role of sea ice products for accurate wind-wave simulations in the Arctic
Tyler MiesseADCIRC+SWAN, coastal modeling, wave-ice interactions10/24/2024
PRJ-4078Modernizing the NWS Tropical Cyclone Product Suite by Evaluating NWS Partner Decisions and Information Needs
Field research
Rebecca MorssSocial Science, Hurricanes/Typhoons, Tropical Cyclones10/23/2024
PRJ-5711Risk Communication in an Age of Misinformation: Emergency Manager and Household Perspectives Pre- and Post-Disaster
Ashley Rossemergency management, risk communication, digital era10/23/2024
PRJ-2944Glazing Seismic Performance - Experimental Data and Results
Timothy SullivanGlazing, Fragility, Vulnerability10/19/2024
PRJ-5699A Comparison of Numerical Models for Dynamic Analysis of Seismically Isolated Structures with High Damping Rubber Bearings
Jose GallardoSeismic isolation, High damping rubber bearing, Model comparison10/17/2024
PRJ-2571Analysis of wind-induced interference effects on a realistic low-rise building in an urban area
Catherine GorleWind hazards, wind loading, low-rise building10/17/2024
PRJ-5668A Database of Cone Penetration Tests from North America
Morgan Sangercone penetration test, subsurface characterization, geotechnical data10/16/2024
PRJ-4797Design of isolated buildings to achieve targeted collapse limits through Gaussian Process Modeling
Huy Phammoment frames, base isolation, triple friction pendulum10/15/2024
PRJ-5693Weather and culture: A national survey of Spanish speakers in the United States
Survey InstrumentSocial Sciences
Joseph Trujillo-Falcónbilingual, Spanish, extreme weather10/15/2024
PRJ-4170Systematic Training and Validation of Parameterized Surrogate PLoM Model for Seismic Performance Assessment of Highway Bridges
Jeonghyun Leesurrogate modeling, earthquake, regional10/11/2024
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