News Releases
02-19-23 | Ellen Rathje Elected to National Academy of Engineers
01-16-25 | NHERI RAPID Facility Supports Wildfire Reconnaissance Deployments
11-25-24 | NHERI Network at the AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, DC
10-09-24 | NSF-supported extreme events teams respond to Hurricanes Helene and Milton in Florida
10-03-24 | Hurricane Helene: NSF-Funded Natural Hazards Experts Ready for Comment
08-01-24 | Wall of Wind Researchers Design, Test Hurricane Damage Solutions
06-27-24 | NHERI Research on Tap at 18th World Conference for Earthquake Engineering
05-29-24 | Training to CONVERGE: Tabletop Exercise Advances Natural Hazards Reconnaissance and Research
04-26-24 | Release of the NHERI Decadal Visioning Study 2026-2035
04-18-24 | Sustainable Functional Recovery: A New Engineering Design Paradigm
03-18-24 | NHERI Science Plan, 3rd Edition: Key Updates on SimCenter, CONVERGE
03-11-24 | CONVERGE Training Modules Surpass 10,000 Users
02-06-24 | Opportunities to leverage CONVERGE in the NHERI Science Plan, Third Edition
01-11-24 | NHERI CONVERGE Releases Twelfth Training Module: Indigenous Sovereignty in Disasters
12-08-23 | NHERI CONVERGE Reciprocity Training Module Now Available in French
12-04-23 | NHERI Network at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco
11-08-23 | NHERI Science Plan: A Guide for Future Research in Natural Hazards Engineering
10-20-23 | NHERI's SimCenter PBE Application Now Integrates Functional Recovery Simulations
08-23-23 | NHERI Research Leads to Technology-Transfer Successes
07-13-23 | DesignSafe Radio Podcast: Hurricane-Proofing Low-Rise Roofs
05-05-23 | Media: Advisory May 9 Seismic Test of NHERI Tallwood at UC San Diego
04-18-23 | DesignSafe Radio: UNC Engineer Stephanie Pilkington on Natural Hazards Data Reconnaissance
04-12-23 | Excitement Builds for Seismic Test of NHERI Tallwood at UC San Diego
12-04-22 | Natural Hazards Network Exhibiting at 2022 AGU Fall Meeting(opens a new window)
06-12-21 | UH Grant-Supported Research to Focus on Tsunami Damage Caused by Debris(opens a new window)
04-18-22 | NHERI RAPID Facility Receives $6M Renewal Grant(opens a new window)
01-26-22 | NHERI SimCenter Community Meeting: Wrap-up and Videos(opens a new window)
12-10-21 | Visit NHERI Booth at 2021 AGU Fall Meeting(opens a new window)
10-18-21 | Best Practices for Extreme Events Research: NHERI CONVERGE Check Sheets(opens a new window)
10-18-21 | NHERI Facilities Support Research in New NSF Climate Change Initiative(opens a new window)
08-31-21 | NHERI CONVERGE Resources in the Classroom: The Training Module Assignment Bank(opens a new window)
08-31-21 | NHERI RAPID Supports Reconnaissance Mission in Surfside, Florida(opens a new window)
07-29-21 | Latest NHERI CONVERGE training module: Collecting and Sharing Perishable Data(opens a new window)
07-27-21 | NHERI at University of Florida now simulates transient wind events(opens a new window)
07-18-21 | Annotated Bibliographies Now Complement CONVERGE Training Modules(opens a new window)
06-25-21 | Machine Learning Aids Earthquake Risk Prediction(opens a new window)
05-27-21 | CONVERGE Training Modules Now Offer Continuing Education Credits(opens a new window)
05-25-21 | 2021 DesignSafe Dataset Awardee | On the Level with Hurricane Matthew(opens a new window)
05-20-21 | Envisioning Safe Cities with Artificial Intelligence(opens a new window)
03-11-21 | Understanding and Ending Gender-based Violence in Fieldwork(opens a new window)
03-05-21 | NHERI SimCenter Releases Updated Report on Computational Simulation(opens a new window)
01-22-21 | Ahsan Kareem Receives International Award of Merit in Structural Engineering(opens a new window)
01-20-21 | Built Environment Exacerbating COVID-10 Pandemic, Researchers Say(opens a new window)
01-08-21 | Major Upgrades Underway at the World's Largest Outdoor Shake Table(opens a new window)
12-09-20 | NSF's Joy Pauschke to Speak During 2020 AGU Fall Meeting(opens a new window)
12-08-20 | Novel Data Model Available for Field Research in Natural Hazards(opens a new window)
11-20-20 | Natural Hazards Researchers Offer Networking Sessions at 2020 AGU Fall Meeting(opens a new window)
11-12-20 | Disaster Database Cemented as Go-To Hub for Natural Hazards Research(opens a new window)
11-03-20 | NHERI Publishes Milestone Research Collection(opens a new window)
09-24-20 | NSF EAGER Grant to Reexamine Hazard Mitigation During COVID-19 Pandemic(opens a new window)
09-04-20 | After Hurricane Laura, Recon Teams Capture Perishable Data(opens a new window)
08-24-20 | 2020 Hurricane Season: NSF-Funded Experts Available for Comment(opens a new window)
07-10-20 | NSF, NIST Team Up on Disaster Resilience Research Grant(opens a new window)
06-03-20 | NHERI virtual workshop slated for early career faculty(opens a new window)
03-30-20 | NSF-funded CONVERGE offers awards for COVID-19 social science research(opens a new window)
01-13-20 | NSF-funded Science Plan for natural hazards mitigation released by NHERI(opens a new window)
12-11-19 | NHERI RAPID Joins DUNEX Pilot(opens a new window)
07-15-19 | SimCenter Releases New Research Tool: WE-UQ(opens a new window)
06-01-19 | 2019 Hurricane Season: NSF-Funded Natural Hazards Experts Available for Comment(opens a new window)
03-14-19 | New Report on Essential Simulations Advances Natural Hazards Mitigation(opens a new window)
10-17-18 | World's Largest Outdoor Shake Table Receives $16.3 Million from NSF for Upgrades(opens a new window)
06-21-18 | NHERI Hurricane Wind, Storm Surge Experts Available for Comment(opens a new window)
05-28-18 | Another NSF CAREER Award at the NHERI-FIU Wall of Wind Experimental Facility(opens a new window)
04-26-18 | DesignSafe Radio: Wind Engineering David O. Prevatt on Hazard-Prone Communities(opens a new window)
03-06-18 | Wall of Wind Receives 2018 Charles Pankow Award for Innovation(opens a new window)
02-22-18 | NHERI SimCenter Leadership Transition (opens a new window)