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NCO Welcomes New Members to the Network Independent Advisory Council

Published on June 21, 2021


NHERI’s Network Independent Advisory Committee, NIAC, is a group of experts in natural hazards domains who provide independent guidance and advice to the NHERI Council. We welcome new committee members Carol Shield (earthquake engineering) and Glenn Rix (geotechnical engineering).

They join Lesley Ewing (coastal engineering), Bill Hansmire (geotechnical engineering), Catherine Petroff (coastal engineering), John Van de Lindt (earthquake engineering), and Peter Vickery (wind engineering). This NIAC cohort will serve through 2023.

Many thanks to former NIAC members for their service: Farzad Naeim of UC Irvine and Richard Woods of University of Michigan.

Read more about the NIAC and NHERI governance.

NCO Welcomes New Members to the NIAC | DesignSafe-CI