Learning Natural Hazards Simulations at the NHERI SimCenter
NHERI REU students learn how engineers use software for creating regional hazard simulations
Published on June 14, 2021

This summer, three NHERI REU students are spending ten weeks as virtual researchers at the at the NHERI SimCenter facility, based at the University of California Berkeley.
The students are Adithya Salil Nair from the Ohio State University, Clair Sorensen from the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and William Zakka from University of Texas Austin. All three are seniors majoring in civil engineering.
The trio will explore the programming tools that the SimCenter has developed for studying damage caused by earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, hurricanes and storm surge. The students will study with NHERI researchers who use these tools to build simulations that predict the effects of natural hazards on civil infrastructure. The simulations help policy-makers in hazard-prone cities make important decisions.
They SimCenters REU students will complete a research project that theyll present in person at the NHERI REU Research Symposium in August 2021.
After a summer at the NHERI SimCenter, our REU students will have a fundamental understanding of natural hazards simulation methods and why simulation is so crucial for preventing destruction from earthquakes, windstorms and tsunamis.
Keep up with NHERIs 2021 REU students on Twitter and Instagram.