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NHERI's International Workshop, March 2019

Published on April 26, 2019



At NHERI’s spring international workshop, participants gathered in interdisciplinary teams, discussed disruptive technologies and developed research campaigns to advance the NHERI 5-Year Science Plan.

On March 18-19, the NHERI NCO hosted an NSF-sponsored workshop in Alexandria, VA, involving more than 70 participants. The workshop included collaboration with early career, interdisciplinary and international researchers that brought opportunities for collaborations. The workshop covered transformational technologies such as bio-inspired design, advanced computation, data science, materials science, additive manufacturing, robotics, and control theory to help achieve the NHERI Science Plan’s vision of a more resilient and sustainable civil infrastructure.

The workshop had two main objectives:

  1. Identify the contributions from disruptive/transformational technologies to the NHERI Science Plan to achieve the vision of NHERI; and
  2. Elucidate potential research campaigns encompassing one or all of the hazards under the scope of NHERI.

A report, and presentations from the workshop, will made available soon on the DesignSafe-CI website. Please stay tuned!


Image: After the workshop, the members of the NHERI NCO and conference participants gathered for a convivial dinner.
NHERI's International Workshop, March 2019 | DesignSafe-CI