Hurricane Simulations in High Gear
Scientists and supercomputers generate fast storm surge forecasts in 2024 to help protect lives and property
NHERI Science Plan: A Guide for Future Research in Natural Hazards Engineering — In the NHERI Science Plan, Third Edition, find ways researchers can leverage NSF-funded resources — from centrifuges to cyberinfrastructure —to protect our civil infrastructure and our communities. Lead author Ian Robertson provides a 7-minute overview on the DesignSafe Radio podcast.
Planning Underway for New, National Extreme Winds Simulation Facility — Iowa State University lands a four-year, $14M NSF award for the National Testing Facility for Enhancing Wind Resiliency of Infrastructure in Tornado-Downburst-Gust Front Events, or NEWRITE.
- Ellen Rathje Elected to National Academy of Engineers
- NHERI RAPID Facility Supports Wildfire Reconnaissance Deployments
- Engineering Sustainable Waste Disposal after Extreme Events
- An Interdisciplinary Approach to Inland Flooding
- NHERI Team Shines at 2024 AGU Fall Meeting
- Improved Predictions of Earthquake Damage

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Data Reuse
View metrics and read case studies about how researchers are reusing data.
Training & Events
MARCH 20, 2025
Hurricane Regional Simulation at the SimCenter: New Directions and Community Preferences
MAY 1, 2025
NSF NHERI Summer Institute Registration Deadline
NSF NHERI REU Summer Program
The Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) is a distributed national facility that enables research discoveries that will protect human life, reduce damage, and minimize economic losses during natural hazard events.
5 Year Science Plan
A roadmap for researchers in related disciplines working together to achieve common goals.

The Workspace gives researchers the power to share and publish data, access tools for data analysis and visualization, and run simulations on state-of-the-art supercomputer resources.

The NHERI Facilities offer access to shared-use experimental laboratories, field equipment, simulation tools, and a network of social science, engineering, and interdisciplinary researchers.

The Learning Center offers training webinars from all NHERI components, as well as resources for students, post-docs, and early career researchers.
Getting Started
Learn how to get an account and the basics of DesignSafe's Workspace.